Wednesday, May 27, 2009

UK - Creativity Strikes Again!

The UK seems to be a hotbed of creativity when it comes to the arts, whether it is in the field of music, film, or graphic arts in some form or other. Here we look at a viral video from the UK which cleverly uses the fact that viral videos allow viewers to watch the online version more than once, with just a click of a mouse. Nonetheless, most of us will watch a viral video just once, perhaps sending the link to a friend, or bookmarking it to share through social media. This viral video is different. It cleverly encourages us to watch it a second time - because it tells us we missed something. Very creative and memorable! What a smart way to get us to watch the video again, remember the message, and pass it along - as I am doing right now, pass it along!

How did they come up with this idea?! Watch this ad carefully and then watch it again looking for the elements they mention you missed. Thanks Ellen and Bob!

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Alexei Mahabir said...

This paticular viral video left me with mixed reactions. Its initial "awareness test" announcement jumps out at the viewer, and the video proceeds to show basketball teams passing around the ball. On one hand, Asking the viewer to focus on one team and count their passes was a very creative way to hold the interest and incorporate audience participaion. On the other, I can picture a large nuber of viewers closing off the video at this point as it does not interest them.

Those viewers who did continue to watch, however, realize most of them failed the test. A great comedic touch by the makers of the video, as most people probobly laugh and asked themselves, "How could I miss a moonwalking bear?"

But in the end the message was very clear and serious. Great ad, for those who stayed to watch that is.

Joseph Amofah said...

The test your awareness viral video and the Coca - Cola video were the two most eye catching videos in my opinion. The test your awareness vieo showed its true creativity by having viewers actually participate in the ad. What this does is capture the viewers attention by challenging them to complete a fairly easy task while taking their eyes off of what else is going on in the video. the ad then tells you what you have missed and replays a bear moon walking. In the end it gives you a clear message about cyclist safety. A viewer may watch it again to make sure that the bear was their all along andin doing so will hear the message again.

The Coca Cola ad is up beat and eye catching with its bright colour scheme. It also catches viewer attention with the amount of activity going around giant Coca Cola letters. I also enjoyed the Steam Whistle Brewing Video.

All three videos are very creative and very effective in advertising their products. Using creative sounds, colour schemes, and actions the capture viewers attention from the beginning. What is more important is all three ads interesting enough to watch again.

andrew.dagg said...

I think that this video is very creative in how it is able to not only have you focus on something but also how it gets you to watch the video a second time. The use colours and movements makes it difficult for viewers to follow the ball passing around, or it was difficult for me.

Adding the twist in like the moon walking bear is very interesting. It partially blends in with half the people on the screen yet it stands out a little.

This reminds me of a VW ad that was aired on TV not too long ago. that has you in the end looking for a solar eclipse or a woman walking a leopard.

Tyrone said...

I really like the creative aspect of this video. Right away this video grabs your attention just by simply saying it is an awareness test. It gave you an objective which was to count how many passes the people in white made.

I remember the first time I watched this video I got the amount of passes right. But guess what? I completely missed the moonwalking bear. I couldn't believe it! When they rewinded it thats when I noticed it and I had to laugh.

The video made a very true statement about how easy it is to miss something your not looking for; They proved themselves to be right and this left me with an impact. Im sure im not the only one that missed the bear. Once again, it is a very creativy video that gets an important message across about looking out for cyclists.

Tyrone said...

I really like the creative aspect of this video. Right away this video grabs your attention just by simply saying it is an awareness test. It gave you an objective which was to count how many passes the people in white made.

I remember the first time I watched this video I got the amount of passes right. But guess what? I completely missed the moonwalking bear. I couldn't believe it! When they rewinded it thats when I noticed it and I had to laugh.

The video made a very true statement about how easy it is to miss something your not looking for; They proved themselves to be right and this left me with an impact. Im sure im not the only one that missed the bear. Once again, it is a very creative video that gets an important message across about looking out for cyclists.